Wii 2 is in Production

Nintendo says they will be releasing a new version of the popular Wii that will "Offer a new way of playing games." Nintendo has not released any information about the second Wii except that it will be available for purchase sometime in 2012. Nintendo says they will unveil the Wii's counterpart for the first time at the Electronic Entertainment Convention in Los Angeles on June 7. There are rumors  from multiple sources that the Wii 2 will feature touch screens on the controllers, be capable of graphics in HD quality, and be more powerful then the PS3 and Xbox 360.According to IGN, the Wii 2 will have game streaming capability for each controller, cost between $400 and $350, and roughly be the size of the first-generation Xbox. Nintendo hasn't said anything about these claims, but it's likely that the Wii 2 will not feature 3-D graphics due to the fact that 3-D televisions haven't gained wide acceptance yet. The original Wii was a system with a revolutionary idea that will hopefully improve to match it's fierce competition.

Lego Star Wars III: The Continuing Saga

The collection of Lego games has never looked better with the addition of Tt games' Lego Star Wars III. It features much more fluid and realistic movements then any Lego game before it. The game starts at the beginning of the battle of Geonosis and the clone army fights its very first battle. You continue through the clone wars as you try to defeat separatist leaders assigned by Darth Sidious to destroy the Republic. You can play alone or multi-player with a friend in drop-in drop-out co-op.  The game takes you through many fun levels from the clone wars with giant space and ground battles on every planet. As you build your way through many battles, you see many humorous jokes, but not to many so you lose track of the story. This is agood game to just kick back and have a few laughs. I think this is an awesome game and deserves a 9.5/10 because of a few glitches that make you start the level over.

Sony PSP2 (NGP): The Next Generation in Portable Gaming

The PSP2, also known as the NGP, will be a seriously upgraded version of the PSP. It will feature a touch screen on the front and back. Also it will have two analog sticks making it more like a Playstation 3 controller. It will have a Playstation Network similar to the PS3. The PSP2 will also have Wi-Fi or 3G capabilities making the internet much more useful. The system will come with a choice of either which will affect the price. It will have an accelerometer, Gyroscope motion sensing system and GPS abilities. The games will be cartridge based instead of UMD's making them more durable and have much more realistic graphics. Unfortunately, you will not be able to play PSP games on the PSP2 because of this. The PSP2 will also have two digital cameras on the front and back competing with Nintendo's DSI. The display will operate via OLED (organic light emitting display) so the graphics will be much easier to see outside.  This game system will be like a small PS3 with some extra features. The PSP2 will probably be a big hit and very possibly sell out around the holidays.

Portal 2: The Next Generation in Puzzle Games

Portal 2 is an amazing sequel to the original Portal. It has the challenges of the original Portal, with a few extra challenges of it's own. To start with, Portal 2 has what it's named for with blue and orange portals that transport you from any white portal surface to another. Unlike the first game though, Portal 2 has a few extra experimental gadgets as well. You can use Propulsion Gel, Repulsion Gel, and Gamma Gel to help you solve difficult puzzles. You can play the different stories of single-player and multi-player mode. In single-player mode, you are a test subject that is preforming tests ten years after the first Portal game. You try to escape the lab after the evil GLaDOS threatens to keep testing you for the rest of your life. In multi-player mode, you are two test robots named Atlas and P-Body. You preform difficult test set up by GLaDOS after losing her  human test subject. You can play multi-player splitscreen or with a friend over Playstation Network.  I think this game is a winner and should get a 9/10. The reason I don't give the game an amazing 10/10 is because some of the test get very monotonous.